Thursday 23 July 2015

Shashi Tharoor Special! Britain owes India reparations… Just saying ‘sorry’ would do, too!

Shashi Tharoor was the best version of himself at the Oxford union. He seemed possessed by a force so powerful that even the elite audience, comprised mainly of the scholarly British, couldn’t stand up in defense. Bit by bit, Tharoor shred their arguments apart, arguments that dared to propose that the British rule has had positive impact on India. Tharoor dismantled such cock ‘n’ bull theories with his watertight arguments, often drawing admiration from a divided Oxford house. Shashi Tharoor was in a trance from start to finish.
The Congress MP believes Britain owes India a huge debt for violating its sanctity, looting and plundering its incalculable resources, and the economic and psychological decline of its people during the British Raj….
Born in independent India, it’s difficult for me to believe that India is poorer today because of the British. I know they ruled us, I know we were mostly without any rights in our own country, freedom was an alien thought. I understand that Winston Churchill was a monstrous character, who reveled in the deaths of poor Indian peasants…. But the 19th and 20th century was not dictated by democratic processes and freedom. The powerful ran over the weak, and righteousness and morality were not the driving force… we were weak, so we suffered.
I have always believed that the 200 years of subjugation aside, the British left us with a lot to be grateful for. A number of scholars and historians have argued over the years that because of the British influence, India is considered to be quite modern and self-sufficient today. We built on the foundation laid by the British.
This is nothing but hogwash and Tharoor couldn’t have shattered the falsehood of the delusional British more effectively!
Debunking the myth!
The fact is, India’s share of the world economy, when Britain came calling, was a robust 23 %. By the time we forced them to leave, the economy had plummeted to below 4%, a fall so steep that we were never able to recover from that. How did the British manage to eat away so much?
India was being governed for the benefit of the British. Their rise for two centuries was financed by depriving India of basic, life-sustaining utilities and facilities. In fact, Britain’s industrial Read More

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