Thursday 18 February 2016

Secret relationship of Pope John Paul with Polish lady only humanises the Church. After all, love conquers all!

Everybody is susceptible to the force of love; the secret relationship of Pope John Paul II with Polish-born philosopher Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka has proved this. This was a relationship that the two people carried on till the pontiff passed away in 2 April 2005.
As the head of Vatican, John Paul rewrote the rules of the papacy. Unlike his predecessors, the pontiff travelled the world widely and pulled crowds like a rock star. He was different in his ways and this is why it should not come across as a shock that the man in charge of the Vatican had shared a relationship with a woman. It humanises him.
The two people corresponded with letters, and Anna Tymieniecka, who had kept all the tokens of her relationship with the pontiff, sold an archive of letters to the National Library of Poland in 2008. These were kept away from public view until they were shown to the BBC recently. Tymieniecka passed away in 2014.

Tymieniecka with her husband.
Their friendship started way back in 1973, when Tymieniecka contacted Karol Wojtyła, (before he became Pope), about a book she had written on philosophy. It was the common past that held the two together initially; they were born in Poland and had survived the Nazi occupation during the World War II.
Pope John Paul II remained true to his promise of celibacy and his duties to the Church. But in matters of the heart, he went ahead by deciding to keep correspondence with Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Like ordinary mortals, he struggled hard to come in terms with his feelings for the woman he admired; he was torn between his duty and love.
Pope John Paul with Tymieniecka during a camping trip in 1978.
When Cardinal Wojtyła was asked to lead a Polish delegation of bishops to a Catholic meeting in the US, Tymieniecka invited him to stay at her family’s house just outside of Pomfret, Vermont. The cache of photos taken during this stay, show the Pope in casual outdoor gear. The photos show him skiing, camping in shorts, and doing all things that we would normally do.
The first hint that the two people were emotionally involved is evident in a letter that the Pope sent to the lady from Rome in 1974 while he was still a cardinal. The emotional battle that he fought also becomes clear, as he mentions in his letter that “there are issues which are too difficult for me to write about”.
The scapular that Pope John Paul gave to the lady which was originally given to him by his father at the time of his first Holy Communion.

Pangs of separation also dismayed the pope. Before leaving Poland, he presented Tymieniecka a devotional scapular given to him by his father at the time of his first Holy Communion. “I found a way—a scapular,” he writes in a September 1976 letter. “The dimension in which I accept and feel you everywhere in all kinds of situations, when you are close, and when you are far away.”
It breaks my heart to read these lines. The man was experiencing such an emotional turmoil and was looking for ways to leave a fragment of him with the woman; he was trying to take along a part of Tymieniecka by bequeathing his first talisman of God.
One of the letters the Pope had written to Anna.

The revelation by BBC has not taken away anything from the great man. It only shows how we can rise above our situations by resolving issues internally rather than escaping from them.

Friday 24 July 2015

DNA reports out, Amitabh Bachchan is the son of Jawahar Lal Nehru

Who doesn’t know about the relationship between Nehru’s and Bachchan’s family. But what was this relationship all about? Well, it is quite shocking to know that the Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan is the result of a sexual affair that happened between his mom, Teji Bachchan and the then Prime Minister and a womanizer, Jawaharlal Nehru.
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According to the researchers and recent DNA reports launched by ‘Headlines Tomorrow’, Amitabh is Nehru’s son. It all started when Teji Bachchan became good friends with Indira Gandhi. She use to visit Nehru’s residence frequently. Teji and Indira used to play a lot with Nehru. But who knew that Nehru and Teji will get attracted to each other? Teji Bachchan was a very sharp and attractive woman. Nehru being a Casanova and a widower had an affair with Teji Bachchan and also had a sexual relationship due which Amitabh Bachchan was born.
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As Nehru could not give his name to Amitabh due to his political status, he asked Teji Bachchan to marry Mr. Harivash Rai Bachchan. Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s first wife died in 1941, so he married Teji Bachchan and give his name to the superstar Amitabh Bachchan. Nehru knew Harivansh Rai Bachchan for many years as the both of them belonged to Allahabad and respected him for his literary genius.

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Later, when Rajiv Gandhi was born, son of Indira Gandhi and Firoz Khan(Firoz Gandhi),  Amitabh Bachchan and Rajiv Gandhi became very good friends. They both met at the age of 4 years and shared...Read More here

Thursday 23 July 2015

Shashi Tharoor Special! Britain owes India reparations… Just saying ‘sorry’ would do, too!

Shashi Tharoor was the best version of himself at the Oxford union. He seemed possessed by a force so powerful that even the elite audience, comprised mainly of the scholarly British, couldn’t stand up in defense. Bit by bit, Tharoor shred their arguments apart, arguments that dared to propose that the British rule has had positive impact on India. Tharoor dismantled such cock ‘n’ bull theories with his watertight arguments, often drawing admiration from a divided Oxford house. Shashi Tharoor was in a trance from start to finish.
The Congress MP believes Britain owes India a huge debt for violating its sanctity, looting and plundering its incalculable resources, and the economic and psychological decline of its people during the British Raj….
Born in independent India, it’s difficult for me to believe that India is poorer today because of the British. I know they ruled us, I know we were mostly without any rights in our own country, freedom was an alien thought. I understand that Winston Churchill was a monstrous character, who reveled in the deaths of poor Indian peasants…. But the 19th and 20th century was not dictated by democratic processes and freedom. The powerful ran over the weak, and righteousness and morality were not the driving force… we were weak, so we suffered.
I have always believed that the 200 years of subjugation aside, the British left us with a lot to be grateful for. A number of scholars and historians have argued over the years that because of the British influence, India is considered to be quite modern and self-sufficient today. We built on the foundation laid by the British.
This is nothing but hogwash and Tharoor couldn’t have shattered the falsehood of the delusional British more effectively!
Debunking the myth!
The fact is, India’s share of the world economy, when Britain came calling, was a robust 23 %. By the time we forced them to leave, the economy had plummeted to below 4%, a fall so steep that we were never able to recover from that. How did the British manage to eat away so much?
India was being governed for the benefit of the British. Their rise for two centuries was financed by depriving India of basic, life-sustaining utilities and facilities. In fact, Britain’s industrial Read More

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Jay Panda of the BJD, a well admired  politician from Odisha, revealed this on a leading television channel on Tuesday evening. He accidentally overheard the politician, whom he refused to name, speaking in such a revolting manner. Isn’t it obvious, anyway, that the opposition parties are always out to get the Government entangled in some or the other hideous scandal?
It was a normal first day in office for our venerable politicians. For the uninitiated, ‘normal day in office’, Indian standards, means disruptions, chaos, walkouts, storming the well of the House, and most importantly, royal waste of tax payers’ money. Some things never change.
The opening day of the Monsoon Session was a culmination of the mind games being played by the politicians for the past few days. They have been making allegations and counter-allegations, accusing each other of various crimes, on television channels and in news reports. Suddenly, they were face to face. Instead of spewing venom at the Government through the media, the Congress-led opposition suddenly had the chance to do so on their face. They harassed and threw brickbats at the Narendra Modi-led NDA from 20 feet away, and they did it relentlessly, going hoarse and frothy at times.
Congress demanded resignations of Sushma Swaraj, Vasundhara Raje Scindia and Shivraj Singh Chouhan for their alleged roles in #Lalitgate and Vyapam Scam. No trial, no hearing… only the gallows for the two ladies and the gentleman.
The Government hit back in equal measure. It reminded the Congress of its own sins, chiefly Robert Vadra and his under-the-scanner land deals, and CBI’s probe against Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Virbhadra Singh. But nobody was listening to Ravi Shankar Prasad. Read More